Referral Requests
We are currently accepting new patients!
Dr. Liao is accepting referrals for patients aged 0 - 18 years old.
Dr. Liao's wait time for non-urgent referrals is currently 12 - 18 months.
Dr. Kay is accepting referrals for patients aged 0 - 19 years old.
Dr. Kay's wait time for non-urgent referrals is currently 12 - 18 months.
All referrals are triaged based on urgency.
More urgent referrals and referrals for young children are accommodated to be seen earlier.
Your doctor or nurse practitioner can fax a referral to our office at 613-507-7006.
Our referral form can be found at the bottom of this page and are provided for convenience.
Referring physicians and nurse practitioners can also use their own referral forms instead.
After your referral has been processed, our clinic will call you to arrange an appointment time.